
quartustcl is a Python module to interact with Intel Quartus Tcl shells. It opens a single shell in a subprocess, then helps you with reading and writing data to it, and parsing Tcl lists.


Install via pip:

pip install quartustcl


You can start a demo Python REPL by running the package as a script:

python3 -m quartustcl

The quartustcl subshell is exposed in a variable named quartus.

Basic Use

Instantiate a QuartusTcl object to start a shell. Then, call methods on it.

quartus = quartustcl.QuartusTcl()
three = quartus.expr('1 + 2')
assert three == '3'

If you are expecting a list as a result, use parse to turn Tcl lists into Python lists.

devnames = quartus.parse(quartus.get_device_names(hardware_name="Foo Bar"))

In the Tcl subshell, this runs

get_device_names -hardware_name {Foo Bar}

and parses the result into a Python list.

Further Reading

For more information, including more ways to interact with the Tcl subprocess, see the reference documentation.

For a more involved example, see the in-system memory editing guide.